This game, which doesn't have a name yet, is designed by me, in a Game Design Elective, I choose in University. In this elective, the assignment is to create a level design. The level can be about anything. The big focus is on creating a good Game Design Document. For this assignment, only one level has to be made into a prototype.
Game Still
The game starts with the protagonist waking up, all alone in an abandoned city. While playing, the player discovers what happened to the city, by talking with others. Along the way the player encounters problems that he has to fix, in order to continue the game. These problems can be dealt with in a lot of different ways. It is up to the player how they want to fix said problem, however recourses are limited, and therefor the player has to make wise decisions on when to use a certain object.
This is part of the GDD I'm currently working on.