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KrugerSpoof is a game, that was made for a project in school called GameLAB. Here we were given the opportunity to work on a game for a whole semester, instead of only 8-10 weeks. For this project, not only the game development part was necessary, but also the business aspect of it was important. 

In this project I have the role as a developer togheter with another team mate. 

On this page you can find some stills of the game as it is now, and some of the code I've written until now.

Get the .exe file here.

Game Video

KrugerSpoof is a detective point and click game, set in Victorian London. Here you play as a detective who is solving a murder case. While collecting evidence, the detective gets short visions of details about how the murder happened. After collecting all of the evidence, he can trigger the Murderer's Eyes, and reenact the crime. 


As a team, we decided to sell the game in smaller, cheaper chapters, so that the player keeps being interested, and keeps buying more chapters. In this way the players can leave their feedback, and it is more easy for us to implement it in the next chapter. 

For now we are still working on the first chapter, and it should be finished in about a month.

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