Balanced Beans
During the autumn semester of 2020 I participated in Oulu GameLab, in the team Balanced Beans. In this team I worked as a programmer.
As you can see in the rest of my portfolio I already had experience in developing games. However this was the first time I had to actually publish one.
As a programmer I worked on implementing UI/UX, did some gameplay programming, and did some basic coding. Specifically I worked on the tutorial, (early) shop, enemies, and I made an automatic saving system for the game. Besides that I implemented a lot of art and UI work.
At the start of this semester I had about a year of experience with working in Unity. Most tasks I had were subjects I already touched before, and were therfore not a big challenge. However it was nice to iterate on those subjects. Other tasks, such as developing the saving system, was something I had never done before, and I learned a lot from it. ​After some iterations from head programmer Henri it worked like a charm. I have learned a lot from Henri as well, and I can learn a lot more from browsing through his code.
Besides programming I also made the GDD for the game, and made the two pages document for the Sendai lab. In previous projects I've made several GDD's and therefore I didn't mind taking this task upon me. Throughout the semester I kept the document up to date.